How did Fiona Pacifico Griffini-Grasser come to get this nickname?
We went for a walk with this great dog-lover in the Kitzbühler Alps
Rumours, rumours, rumours... something's going to happen soon... and if that something
is in Vienna, that city with its love of details, then there'll be all the more
That big “something” is Vienna's first animal ball - the Wiener Tierball. When?
On 8 November 2012. Where? In the historical elegance of the Vienna Park Hotel Schönbrunn.
Who is it for? All those animals that can't enjoy a life of luxury! And the tabloids
just loved it when it turned out that the patron of the event was going to be Fiona
Pacifico Griffini-Grasser, without doubt the best-known member of the renowned Swarowski
The choice could not have been more honest and more pertinent. Anyone meeting this
impressive woman is overcome by her deep love of animals - whether a bird or a calf,
whether a marmot or a cat. Born in Switzerland of Italian and Tyrolean descent,
everyone knows that she has a special relation to dogs. And that's why "Ingah",
the editorial department's dog, and I went to meet this famous animal rights campaigner
in the Tirol. Our intention? To borrow a phrase from Morgenstern: "Just like children
and dogs, thoughts often want you to take them out for a walk". So off we went with
our dogs, enjoying the relaxing peace of the mountains and philosophising about
dogs, animals and humans.
Fiona Pacifica Griffini-Grasser had three of her four dogs with her, all of them
Golden Retrievers and all of them, despite being over 10 years old, in top form.
These gentle dogs - dogs I repeatedly see in the middle of Kitzbühel throughout
the year - seemed to be on an imaginary leash, so well-behaved that it hardly seemed
true. They quickly made friends with my dog. Then off we all went, up into the mountains,
with the dogs always keeping their beloved leader in sight. The two Goldie ladies
"Sole" & "Luna" set the pace, while "Tequila", a true gentleman, hung back a bit,
escorting "Ingah".
© Reinhand Holl/Kronen Zeitung

“Stoffl” enjoying a dousing on the patio
KW: Fiona, your dogs are in incredible form. They don't just look good; they're
also full of stamina. Is there any explanation for this?
FPGG: I lay great weight on dogs being given high-quality food and regularly getting
enough exercise. I'm out with my dogs every day for several hours - and that shows.
It doesn't matter whether I'm in Vienna, the Tirol or Italy - dogs need exercise.
You have to take them out - otherwise they're unhappy.
KW: There's an incredible story behind "Tequila". You told me that, as a young dog,
he broke his hip in three places.
FPGG: Yes, that was a difficult period. But with the help of experienced doctors
and gentle rehabilitation, he recovered astonishingly well and found his place within
the pack. The dogs love being together - as you can also see with "Stoffl".
KW: It's just amazing how well he moves despite his handicap (the Labrador lost
a leg after being hit by a car when he was just 2 years old).
FPGG: It's quite natural that he needs just a little bit longer, especially now
that he's getting old. But he's happy in the pack, he's in good health and he's
earned an enjoyable "retirement".
KW: Dogs with handicaps are often sniffed at on the street. Have you experienced
that as well?
FPGG: People naturally sometimes take two looks at him. There's nothing wrong about
that - but then some go on to say: "Oh, the poor dog! “ I've got a standard reply:
"Why poor?" He's got a handicap, but it doesn't handicap him at all. If you only
go by looks, by your own ego - then I'm pretty certain that there are some people
who have problems with such a dog. But with us, he's a dog like any other dog -
and he senses that.
KW: Fiona, you've spent your whole life helping animals in distress, without making
any ado about it. You've had hundreds of stray cats castrated; you've fed countless
starving dogs. What's behind this close association with animals?
FPGG: I've been mad about animals since the word "go". And that was not always easy
for my parents. I always wanted to be physically close to animals, even when they
were exotic animals in the zoo. I just wanted to be near them. Later on, when I
was living in Italy, there were times when I had 10 dogs. I just couldn't walk by
an animal in distress. I couldn't let it end up in an animal shelter, so I took
it in.
KW: There's one famous “bus story” from Naples...
FPGG: I lived for quite a long time in Southern Italy. And one thing I like about
Southern Italy is that there are always people who will feed and take care of stray
dogs. I was no exception. I had an old VW bus. I used to take it along to the beach
and feed the dogs. I often heard: "Ma guarda! La signora con i cani!" I felt that
to be very warm. I felt honoured.
Our dogs are in the meantime passing a herd of young bulls - Ingah's eyes are getting
wider and she's looking expectantly to me. But then Fiona resolutely touches my
hand: "Katja, don't worry - the dogs know what they are doing". And sure enough,
the four of them carry on up the track, as if guided by an invisible hand.
KW: Fiona, it's no secret that you have to travel a lot. How do the dogs react to
FPGG: In most cases our animals come with us. I need to know in advance whether
I can take a dog, a pet, with me. And dogs have special requirements. You can't
just "park" them somewhere, letting someone take them for a walk and feed them.
When I own a dog, the dog wants to be at my side. It all boils down to good planning
and organisation.
KW: You live right in the middle of Vienna. Isn't that a problem with four dogs?
FPGG: Though it's not ideal, it's not too much of a problem. When we go for our
long walks every day, we just have to drive out of the city. But I always notice
the difference to the Tirol. The dogs just have so many more possibilities here.
It makes things so much easier.
KW: You like to spend summer in Italy. How do the dogs react to that?
FPGG: Very good. Italy's like home to them. There's nowhere where they feel themselves
strangers. And of course I take great care that all necessary veterinary precautions
are taken (mosquitoes, parasites, etc.) - Southern Italy is not without problems
with regard to a dog's health.
And due to the heat, I feed the dogs differently. That's turned out to be a very
wise move. But that's not just when we're in Italy - in my view it's very important
to give dogs healthy food, and to know where the food comes from. Awareness for
organic foods is not limited to humans.
KW: It's no secret that you pay great attention to your dogs' health.
FPGG: In my mind, you've got to keep an eye on your animals. When you live so closely
together with them, you notice every change, no matter how small it is. And then
you can react completely differently. I find it very important to have good vets,
vets who you can trust.
KW: There's a lot happening at the moment in veterinary medicine, as is also the
case in human medicine. Is this of interest to you?
FPGG: Of course - I'm very interested in all innovative research and in all new
forms of treatment. It's all very exciting - a long as the research is done for
animals and not on animals.
KW: Can you tell us something about the 1st Vienna Animal Ball, of which you are
the patron? What can we expect?
FPGG: The ball is sure to be a great event. The focus will be - on animals. The
organisers have got an awful lot to do in this respect. I have decided to take over
the patronage, because I want to help raise awareness, to initiate and keep going
a discussion that you can never do enough when animals need help. And there is more
to it than just a unique event. The topic of having a feeling for animals, treating
them with respect and love, is not as firmly anchored in our society as it should
be. If we can get things moving in this area, that will be a great step forward.
We end our walk with a bite to eat - and of course the dogs are not left out. I'm
impressed by the peace and quiet here in the mountains, with the sun setting behind
the massive peaks. "Ingah" is enjoying being stroked by my interview partner. Coming
back down into the valley, with the sun going down, I find myself reminded of an
old American Indian proverb: "When you're the friend of my dog, you're my friend
as well".
Dr Katja H. Wolf
Public Relations ÖKV (Austrian canine organisation)